
What Therapists Are Saying About QPASS

"QPASS is practical, easy to administer, and easy to score. Very useful in busy counseling practice settings! I highly recommend QPASS."
David Rising, Ed.D., Counseling Psychologist, Williamsport, PA

"I have found QPASS to be very valuable! My clients really appreciate taking the test and it has brought to light new aspects of their problems."
Wallace Wolff, M.A., Therapist, Sellersville, PA

"QPASS has definitely addressed a need in the field, which is the availability of comprehensive screening questionnaires for busy clinicians."
Gareth Furber, PhD Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in South Australia, Psychspash.com.

"QPASS has been very helpful in my practice as a church-based pastor of counseling. As a matter of fact, I used the QPASS this morning with one of our beloved parishioners."
Rev. Gary L. Greene,, Licensed Professional Counselor, Villa Rica, Ga
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Click SAMPLE above, and note that each of the 105 QPASS items is rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (“Not at All”) to 4 (“Extremely”). QPASS responses from your client collected in your waiting room maximize the impact of each session in three ways: 1) Reduces time in assessment, allowing more time for actual therapy; 2) Focuses therapy time on the most prominent area of emotional distress; 3) Quickly flags CRITICAL symptoms not always reported in sessions: suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, phobias, spending/gambling, binging and purging.

QPASS also provides symptom documentation for treatment planning, third party payments, legal protection, and clinical supervision.



QPASS was designed on the assumption that depression, anxiety, and anger constitute three essential "psychological vital signs" that should be accurately assessed on EACH client at EACH session. Accordingly, the instrument has three comprehensive scales:

  • Depression-Scan (26 items)
  • Anxiety-Scan (29 items)
  • Anger-Scan (28 items)
QPASS also measures:
  • Overall severity of distress, with its Global Psychothathology Index (GPI) which helps predict treatment length.
  • 5 clinical conditions: Psychoticism (6 items), Obsessive Compulsivity (5 items), Phobic Behavior (4 items), Suicide Risk (3 items) and Violence Risk (4 items).
  • 22 other psychiatric symptoms, such as alcohol abuse, marijuana use, overeating, purging, spending sprees, etc. in the Red Flag Section.
  • 14 subscale measures for in-depth analysis of depression, anxiety, and anger
Time Required to Administer: The mean administration time of QPASS was found to be 10.3 minutes in a sample of 27 mental health outpatients, .

Appropriate populations: QPASS was designed for psychiatric outpatients with at least a 6th grade reading level. Norms were based on a large adult outpatient sample (N=495). QPASS may be used judiciously with other populations such as adolescents and non-clinical populations.

Scoring: Reproducible, self-explanatory hand-scoring forms are available in the QPASS Professional Manual which classify scores on a 4-point range from normal to severe.The QPASS scoring system is based on statistical analysis of scores in a clinical sample (495 adult mental health outpatients) and a non-clinical sample (71 college students).

Examiner qualifications: Purchasers must have a graduate degree in a mental health-related field and be knowledgeable in the ethical use of testing and measurement. Non-professionals may administer and hand-score QPASS under the purchaser's supervision.

Development: QPASS is the result of data collected by the QPASS Research Team consisting of more 40 mental health professionals from across the United States. The initial pool of 167 items was drawn from an extensive review of psychometric and research literature on depression, anxiety, and anger. A series of statistical analyses on item response data collected from a development sample of 386 outpatients produced the 105-item QPASS.


Reliability & Validity: High internal consistency for the NA scales (alpha range = .94-.95) and the other scales (range = .79-.85) in sample of 386 mental health outpatients. Each QPASS scale successfully discriminated between a clinical (N=109) and non-clinical (N=71) sample. Concurrent validity coefficients for QPASS measures in outpatient sample (N=82) ranged from .63-.83.


Author and Publisher:
Scott Lownsdale 2024